Tuesday 12 February 2008

Looking to try Linux.......Read on.

Have you ever wanted to try Linux but have never ventured into the Linux world?

Are you fed up of people like me going on about Linux but thought about trying it?

Don't know which distro, (Linux talk for distribution or version) to try?

Today I received my monthly copy of Linux Format. I do get it a bit later as I am an international subscriber but it came out in the UK around the 7th February. So what I hear you cry. Well, this month they have included a double sided DVD with the magazine and there are TEN distros on the DVD. This means that if you had a spare PC lying around you could try out ten different copies of Linux one after another and you don't have to wait for them all to download. There is also a bit of help in the magazine about installing them. Some even come as "live versions", which means that you can set your computer to boot from your DVD and it will load up the version of Linux you want from the DVD and you can try it out without installing it. Of course this runs slower from the DVD than from a hard disc but at least you can see what it looks like and how it works.

I use Ubuntu on my second computer and as a dual boot on my laptop so I can recommend
this as it works for me.
Don't worry I am not getting paid for this blog post but I just thought I would share a very good opportunity out there with you all.

Any questions, just get in touch.

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